Comprima V 180
Original Operating Instructions 150001053_00_en
Icons in figures ..................................................... 9
Icons in the text .................................................... 9
Identification plate .............................................. 37
Importance of operating instructions .................. 14
Improving bale chamber filling............................ 68
Information for enquiries and orders .............. 2, 37
Information on direction ........................................ 9
Information on This Document ............................. 8
Initial operation ................................................... 43
Insert net ............................................................ 81
Inserting a net or film roll .................................... 82
Inserting the net or film ....................................... 84
Inserting the net roll ............................................ 80
Intended use....................................................... 13
ISOBUS settings (terminal) .............................. 129
ISOBUS Shortcut Button not available ....... 93, 100
Jobs on the machine .......................................... 16
Keys ................................................................. 103
KRONE Beta II terminal ..................................... 93
KRONE ISOBUS terminal (CCI 1200)................ 96
Life-threatening electric shock from overhead lines
........................................................................... 22
Lifting the machine ........................................... 145
Liquids under high pressure ............................... 22
Locking screws on the gearboxes .................... 169
Locking/releasing the tension lever .................. 152
Lower the pick-up ............................................... 75
Lubricating greases ............................................ 42
Lubricating the universal shaft.......................... 166
Lubrication chart ............................................... 162
Machine description ........................................... 36
Machine overview............................................... 36
Maintenance ..................................................... 160
Maintenance – Every 1,000 round bales .......... 162
Maintenance – every 10 hours, at least daily ... 161
Maintenance – Every 2 years ........................... 162
Maintenance – every 50 hours ......................... 161
Maintenance – every 500 hours ....................... 162
Maintenance – every 6 years ........................... 162
Maintenance – once after 10 hours .................. 161
Maintenance – once after 50 hours .................. 161
Maintenance – Once after 500 round bales ..... 161
Maintenance – prior to the beginning of the season
......................................................................... 160
Maintenance and repair work ............................. 24
Maintenance table ............................................ 160
Baling pressure does not build up .......... 196
Central chain lubrication system: Machine
dry .......................................................... 199
Central chain lubrication system: Oil
consumption too high ............................. 199
Central chain lubrication system: Oil
consumption too low .............................. 199
Central chain lubrication system: Pump not
completely pressed ................................ 199
Crops conveyed upwards from the bale
formation conveyor................................. 195
Hydraulic oil too hot................................ 196
Machine is running unevenly.................. 196
Round bale conical................................. 197
Wrapping material does not completely
cover one of the outer edges of the round
bale ........................................................ 198
Wrapping material does not reach the outer
edges ..................................................... 198
Wrapping material not cut cleanly .......... 198
Wrapping material not transported ......... 198
Wrapping material tears ......................... 197
Wrapping material tears when the net roll or
film roll diameter is reduced ................... 198
Malfunction, cause and remedy ....................... 195