Comprima V 180
Original Operating Instructions 150001053_00_en
Carrying out oil level check and oil and filter
element changes safely...................................... 26
Central chain lubrication system
Cleaning dosing units ............................. 189
Replacing the hose on the dosing unit ... 190
Changing mode ................................................ 116
Changing the hydraulic oil filter ........................ 194
Changing value ................................................ 115
Checking and setting the axial play of the brake
disc at the wrapping material brake.................. 187
Checking and setting the bale formation conveyor
tension at front.................................................. 149
Checking and setting the position of the feed
rocker arm ........................................................ 157
Checking hydraulic hoses ................................ 174
Checking oil level, topping up oil and changing
filter................................................................... 188
Checking rear bale formation conveyor............ 185
Checking road travel lighting ............................ 143
Checking the retaining comb for chamber film
wrapping ........................................................... 155
Checking the retaining comb for net wrapping . 154
Checking the screw connections on the drawbar
......................................................................... 177
Checking the tension of the inserted film ........... 86
Checking/adapting the tyre pressure.................. 45
Checking/maintaining tyres .............................. 171
Children in danger .............................................. 15
Circuit diagram ................................................. 231
Clean the bushing and the drawbar eye........... 176
Cleaning air filter .............................................. 190
Cleaning deflection pipes or conical tying roller 174
Cleaning nozzles of the central chain lubrication
system .............................................................. 189
Cleaning the dosing units ................................. 189
Cleaning the drawbar eye ................................ 176
Cleaning the machine....................................... 174
Commissioning ................................................... 54
Completing the baling process, starting tying cycle
and ejecting round bales .................................... 69
Compressed air brake
Cleaning air filter .................................... 190
Drain condensation water out of the
compressed-air tank............................... 191
Retighten tensioning straps on the
compressed-air tank............................... 192
Configuring TIM software (terminal) ................. 129
Connecting foreign ISOBUS terminal ................. 63
Connecting hydraulic brake (export) .................. 57
Connecting hydraulic hoses ............................... 56
Connecting KRONE BETA II-Terminal ............... 59
Connecting machine to tractor ........................... 54
Connecting the camera to the KRONE ISOBUS
terminal CCI 1200 .............................................. 64
Connecting the KRONE ISOBUS terminal
(CCI 1200) .......................................................... 61
Connecting the machine..................................... 15
Connecting the road lighting............................... 64
Connecting/disconnecting compressed air
connections for the compressed air brake ......... 58
Consumables ............................................... 21, 41
Contact ................................................................. 2
Contact data of your dealer .................................. 2
Conversion table ................................................ 11
Counter............................................................. 126
Coupling the hydraulic auxiliary brake................ 57
Crop blockage at the right-hand and left-hand end
of the pick-up ...................................................... 88
Crop blockage in the baling element .................. 88
Crop blockage in the pick-up .............................. 88
Crop press roller unit .......................................... 77
Removing baffle sheet ............................. 79
Cross references .................................................. 8
Customer counter ............................................. 126