XD20 Installation and Operating Guide
Version 1.1
Document # 9301H264001.1
HDD-Screen 2
(25GB for Film)
HDD-Screen n
(25GB for Film)
Francisco's Folly
Francisco's Folly
Screen 2
5 new titles/week
Francisco's Folly just loaded into DR-1 and
now playing on Screen 2.
Francisco's Folly
playing on Screen n.
Screen n
Screen 1
Least Frequently
Played Movie
on Screen n
Least Frequently
Played Movie
on Screen 2
Screen n Movie
Screen 2 Movie
Due to the fact that the XD20 reserves 25GB of hard drive space for film content, a movie that plays for
An extended period of time may get deleted from the drives of any units that have not played that movie
for some time. For example, suppose that a busy multiplex loads 5 new titles per week into the DR-
1/XD20 network. After approximately 5 weeks of loading 5 movies per week, the 25GB of available
space on the hard drives will have been utilized. At this point, the least frequently shown movie on each
XD20 will be deleted from the drive in order to make room for the newly loaded movie. (Each XD20
maintains its own “Priority List” of content titles.)
In the case shown in Figure 3 below, after 5 weeks, the popularity of
Francisco's Folly
has tapered off
such that the theater manager decides it should be shown on Screen “n” instead of Screen 2.
Unfortunately, since
Francisco’s Folly
has not been playing on Screen n for more than 5 weeks, it has
been deleted from Screen n’s hard drive to make room for other content. In order to get
Francisco’s Folly
back onto the hard drive of Screen n, it must be loaded back into the DR-1. (This also holds true if the
content had been deleted manually rather than automatically.)
Figure 2: Network Content Distribution - 1