XD20 Installation and Operating Guide
Version 1.1
Document # 9301H264001.1
2.6.4. Operation with Early/Late Preshow Presentations
The XD20 can operate with an Early Preshow (EPS) presentation, followed by a Late Preshow (LPS)
presentation, using a configurable Preshow End time to complete the LPS before the film starts.
The diagram below illustrates XD20 operation with an EPS followed by an LPS.
Figure 4: Operation with EPS and LPS Configuration
A video configuration file is delivered to the XD20 that defines the EPS and LPS presentations, and an
optional end slide. The video configuration file also contains a set of “Preshow End” times that define
when the Preshow should complete and the film presentation begin. These definitions are created by the
server software and delivered to the XD20 through the network, or in some cases on a DVD. Operations
In the XD20, the EPS presentation is named “Slide loop”, and the LPS is named “Preshow”. An
automation pulse on the START_SLIDELOOP control input pin is used to start the EPS. The EPS is
generally several minutes long and will loop as needed before the LPS starts.
The XD20 automatically starts the LPS so that it completes by the Preshow End time. Since the
configuration file may have several Preshow End times, XD20 automatically selects the closest Preshow
End time at the time that the slide loop began.
The XD20 completes the current clip of the EPS before transitioning to the LPS. This could delay the
time that the LPS will complete by up to the length of the longest clip of the EPS.
The LPS ends at around the time that the film presentation is expected to start. The “End Slide” is
projected in order to avoid a “dark” screen between the LPS and the start of the film presentation. The
“End Slide” has no defined time period and will remain on the screen until a VIDEO_END control pulse
is detected. The VIDEO_END pulse should be set to occur just before the film projector dowser opens. Manual Start/Stop
Although the automation should be used for starting and stopping the playlist, in some cases the menus
can be used for testing. For details, refer to
Video Playback Functions
,on page 24.
To manually start the Slide loop (EPS):
Slide Loop
To advance to the LPS without waiting for the calculated LPS start time: