Series Reference Manual
Page 293
Ver 2.00
Full-speed timeout standard bit
USB turnaround time bit
4. T
he software must unmask the following bits in the OTGFS_GINTMSK register:
OTG interrupt mask
Mode mismatch interrupt mask
The software can read the CURMOD bit in the OTGFS_GINTSTS register to determine whether the
OTGFS controller is operating in host or device mode.
20.5.2 OTGFS FIFO configuration Device mode
A dynamic FIFO alloction is required during power-on or USB reset. In device mode, the application
must meet the following conditions before modifying FIFO SRAM allocation.
The TXFNUM bit in the OTGFS_GRSTCTL register is used to refresh the controller transmit FIFO. Refer
to Section Refresh controller transmit FIFO for more information.
Attention should be paid to the following information during FIFO SRAM allocation:
(1) Receive FIFO SRAM allocation
SRAM for SETUP Packets: 13 DWORDs must be reserved in the receive FIFO to receive one
SETUP Packet on control endpoint. The controller does not use these locations, which are
reserved for SETUP packets.
One DWORD is to be reserved for global OUT NAK
Status information is written to the FIFO along with each received packet. Therefore, a minimum
space of (largest packet size/4) + 1 must be allocated to receirve data packets. If several
synchronous endpoints are enabled, at least two (largest packet size/4) + 1 spaces are needed to
receive data packets. In most cases, two (largest packet size/4) + 1 spaces are recommended so
that the USB can receive the subseqnet packet while the previous packet is being transferred to
the AHB. If there is a longer latecy on AHB, sufficient spaces must be reserved to receive multiple
packets in order to prevent synchronous data packet loss.
Transfer complete status information, along with the last packet for each endpoint, is also pushed
to the FIFO
One location must be reserved for the disable status bit of each endpoint
Typically, two DWORDs for each OUT endpoint are recommended.
(2) Transmit FIFO SRAM allocation
The minimum SRAM space required for each IN endpoint transmit FIFO is the maximum data packet
size for that particular IN endpoint. The more the space allocated to the transmit IN endpoint FIFO, the
better the USB performance, and this helps to avoid latency on the AHB line.
Table 20-2 OTGFS transmit FIFO SRAM allocation
FIFO name
SRAM size
Receive FIFO
rx_fifo_size, including setup packets, OUT endpoint control
information and OUT data packets.
Transmit FIFO 0
Transmit FIFO 1
Transmit FIFO 2
Transmit FIFO i
Configure the following registers according to the above mentioned:
1. OTGFS receive FIFO size register (OTGFS_GRXFSIZ)
2. Endpoint 0 TX FIFO size register (OTGFS_DIEPTXF0)
OTGFS_DIEPTXF0.INEPT0TXDEP = tx_fifo_size[0]