TABL → Same as table column. Selects/Starts/Stops a Table.
STSP → Start sequencer pattern. Here you can select any position on the
sequencer screen that should start to play next. It works in the same way as the
start button. It’s toggling between start on the zero cross of the mainclock or start on
the next queue point. The First digit X00 is for the track where zero is for the whole
row and 1..8 for the sequencer tracks. The 2
two digits 0XX are for the row number
in the sequencer screen.
CBPB → Combined Playback FX
This is a multifunction FX to change the clock settings, playback order,
transpositions and to execute live jumps between patterns.
The first digit defines the functions:
Change the clock type after the end of the current playing pattern. The new
pattern will play with the new clock setting.
Here you can set the different dividers and multipliers for the current track. Possible
settings are from 000 to 010:
/7, /6, /5, /3, /32, /16, /8, /4, /2, Normal clock, *2, *4, *8, *3, *5, *6, *7
This order is chosen on purpose as mostly base2 dividers and multipliers are used
around the regular clock. (See track setup)
The first digit got an additional function to either let the new clock change with a new
pattern (after the end of the current playing pattern) or to force to the new clock
setting directly.
Same as 0XX but it changes the clock immediately. Use this with caution as
this might cause a un-synchronized pattern if being called somewhere in the middle
of a pattern.
If it’s being called from the first step, the new clock setting will run properly
synchronized within this pattern. (Depending on if the last pattern was synchronized)
Playback Order. This defines how a track should play its pattern. The default
setting is ‘Forward’ where the sequence in the track runs regular from step 0 to 63
(or less). If used with the 2XX setting then the new playback order will be activated
after the current pattern is finished.
Other settings are:
Backward: Plays the pattern from the last (depending on pattern length) to the first
position / step.
PingPong: Plays the pattern forward and backward
RND Keep: Random Keep. Chooses a random order once and keeps this same
order playing until it is changed.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 34
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022