E5 Ratcheting 5x (Quintuplet)
E6 Ratcheting 6x (Sextuplet)
E7 Ratcheting 7x (Septuplet)
E8 Ratcheting 8x (Octuplet)
E9 Odd ratcheting 1x (half a step gate starting with a low level)
EA Odd ratcheting 2x
EB Odd ratcheting 3x
EC Odd ratcheting 4x
ED Special Ratcheting ‘ high low low high 1001’ within one step
EE Special Ratcheting ‘low low high high high high 001111’ within one step
EF Special Ratcheting ‘high high low low high high 110011’ within one step
F0 Random trigger length within selected random range 0 (see random ranges)
F1 Random trigger length within selected random range 1
F2 Random trigger length within selected random range 2
F3 Random trigger length within selected random range 3
F4 Random ratcheting within selected random range 0
F5 Random ratcheting within selected random range 1
F6 Random ratcheting within selected random range 2
F7 Random ratcheting within selected random range 3
F8 Random trigger length / ratcheting combination within selected random range 0. Lower
random percentages do triggers with several lengths and higher percentages do ratchets.
F9 Random trigger length / ratcheting combination within selected random range 1.
FA Random trigger length / ratcheting combination within selected random range 2.
FB Random Gate within the selected random range 0. This will randomly either set or reset
the gate depending on the random settings. Higher percentages will more likely set the gate
and lower percentages will more likely reset the gate.
FC Random everything from the trigger possibilities within the selected random range 0.
This maps all trigger commands from 00 to FE to the 100% and depending on the random
selection chooses one of it.
FD Toggles the output. So if it was on, then it’ll be off and the other way around
FE Turns output ON ( = set Gate)
A trigger in the trigger column overrules the auto-gating function of a note if in the same
row. All trigger functions from the trigger column are shown in the statusbar as well.
Please note that the triggers on a Trigger16 Expander don’t support the special functions
D0 → FC currently. These will be included with a future Trigger16 Firmware update.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022