(RDMN) from the FX list. Press
to get to the
and change
the ranges.
- Record Voices
Sets the amount of voices which can be recorded from Midi. The following
settings are currently available: 1..6, will use midi recording into the amount of columns. So
if set to 3 then only the left 3 columns are used to record the midi notes.
1..5 + ENV8: Also 1 to 5 columns can be used to record notes, additionally on the last
column, the envelope data is filled in as well. The rules are then with a polyphonic midi
stream: If the first note is pressed, Envelope 8 is filled in as Attack/Sustain envelope on the
field next to the highest possible selected note column. If the last note is released from the
keyboard, then a release for Envelope 8 is filled in. For example, if you set up 2
envelope, then the envelopes are always filled in on the 3
Furthermore there are the 2x2 and 3x3 record voices which allow full polyphonic note +
envelope generation. Here Notes are filled in the first 2 or 3 columns and on the following 2
or 3 columns the envelopes which belong to each note are filled in.
If a column is set up to be a Trigger16 destination then Gates/Triggers will be filled in
instead of the envelopes.
- Pure Overrule: Defines if a modulator in Pure Mode should be stopped again when a note
is filled in and play.
- Destination 1..6: Defines the destination for the columns 1..6. The following destinations
are available:
EXT CV1..CV16: the CV outputs on the expander.
TRACK CV: The CV output on the NerdSEQ of the current track.
LOC CV1..CV6: The NerdSEQ CV outputs 1..6.
TRACK MOD: The MOD output on the NerdSEQ of the current track.
LOC MOD1..6: The NerdSEQ MOD outputs 1..6.
TRIGGER16 1..16 NSA 1..4: Outputs 1 to 16 of a Trigger16 expander ( Adres/Channel 1 to
- Glide 1..16
→ Set the Glide Speed and Steps for each CV output.
- Modulation 1..16 → Set the behaviour of the modulations onto the current pitch/note. In
pure, only the modulators are routed to the output. In add, the modulator is added to the
current pitch/note.
- Envelope 1..8 Settings → Attack, Release, Sustain. A graphical representation of the
Envelope shape is being drawn on the screen.
- LFO 1..8 Settings → LFO Type (Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, Ramp, Square, Noise and
Random. Additionally the ‘LFO’ type ‘Trigger’ can be selected if the CV16 firmware uses
version V1.2 or higher) plus the Speed and Amplitude
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 96
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022