0xxx → Notes play normal for the current sample/wave part
1xxx to 4xxx → Will copy the notes from the selected source (OP/Wave 1..4). This
allows one to play the same notes or a transposition of the notes from the source.
Important for harmonic FM modulations or bigger sounds when mixing waveforms.
OFFS → Set the sample offset to the scaled value.
In combination with the Pulsewave waveform, this defines also the Pulswidth ratio.
Where 0 means 50:50. Other setting can go to 0:100 (001) or 100:0 (FFF) ratios of the
pulsewave pulsewidth.
TABL → Start/assign table to the pattern part. So you can use the tables also for
samples. The numbers show the selected table. A table that has already been assigned
is shown in the regular colour. Tables that are not assigned/used yet are greyed out (the
‘mute’ colour). You can assign them to an audio track by either press the
button or
by pressing the
button. With the
button the
is also directly
entered, so the selected table can be edited. Note that tables generated in the audio
tracks also can use the FX from the audio tracks.
A table number higher than 31 will set a ‘Stop Table’ command, shown by ‘STOP’.
PROB → Add probability to the pattern part. It adds the probability of a sample to be
played ( or stopped) with a given percentage. Same as the Note probabilities for the CV
outputs. (see description there) Both pattern parts can have a different probability
setting. Also here it is a setting that you can turn on by using the probability but you
have to turn it off again yourself.
PRF1 → Add probability for the FX1 pavalue. Same as the probability setting
but then it gives a probability to the first FX parameter. This way you can add probability
to every parameter.
PRF2 → Add probability for the FX2 pavalue. Same as the probability setting
but then it gives a probability to the first FX parameter. This way you can add probability
to every parameter.
TRIG → Fire the triggers from tracks 1..6. While the 1
two digits define the triggers
1..6, the 2
two digits define the type/value of the triggers. These use the same trigger
functions as the regular trigger columns.
NOTE → Changes the note of the set up CV/MOD output. The destinations are CV1..6
and MOD1..6. The 2
digit sets the Output and the last 2 digits the Note value.
VOLT → Changes the pitch/voltage of the set up CV/MOD output. The destinations are
CV1..6 and MOD1..6. The 1
digit sets the Output and the last 3 digits the pitch value.
DELY → Delay settings for the track. This functions contains again multiple settings:
0100 – Delay Type: Short Highest quality. Best quality but short delay time
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 41
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022