So the input settings can be from 1 up to 6 CV notes polyphonic or 1 to 5 CV notes plus the
Envelope. All these are filled in to the CV16 columns. If the envelope function is activated for it,
then also Envelope #8 is used. When multiple keys are pressed, the envelope will run through
Attack→Sustain on the first note and starts the release phase when releasing the last note.
Another setting is the 2x2 or 3x3 polyphonic recording. In this mode a 2 or 3 voice polyphonic
recording and envelope generation is possible. In case of the 2x2 mode, up to 2 notes at the same
time will be entered in the first 2 columns, while the next 2 columns set the envelopes for these
notes. So Column 3 envelope is for Note 1 in column 1 and Column 4 envelope is for Note 2 on
column 2. If the 3x3 mode is active, then it records up to 3 notes + each an envelope, where the
first 3 columns are the notes and the next 3 columns the envelopes for the corresponding notes. It
is possible to get full 3 voice polyphony with this per track.
Please keep in mind that the Glide, Envelopes and LFO can never fully replace real analogue
Slews, Envelopes or LFO’s. But they are definitely a very good addition for many applications.
More Video-IO
The More Video-IO Expander adds a composite and a HDMI video output to the NerdSEQ as well
as a USB connector, so a USB Computer Keyboard can be used. The Video Expander is always
set to be NSA4, so you can’t use any expander on Channel 4. The Expander detects on power on
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 121
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022
Figure 28: More Video-IO Expander