The NerdSEQ is ‘factory’ calibrated and the settings are saved on a EEprom. For a proper
calibration you need a good multimeter, though for most cases a normal cheap 3,5 or 4 digit
multimeters will do the job. You also need a small screwdriver to be able to change the
potmeters on the backside.
Be sure that they are no automators or any other functions running when calibrating. The
best is to calibrate after a reset of the NerdSEQ, so all settings are set to default.
Using Page Up/Down will jump over the different sections, so you can jump from the CV
calibration to the Trigger test and at last to the manual input calibration.
To start a calibration you proceed the following:
Go to the calibration settings, choose the 2
Set this parameter to 10, which will give you a small range lower than 10 for the
calibration. Now connect the multimeter with the CV1 output. Set the CV Offset switch
to the right position (below the CV outputs). Your multimeter should now be calibrated to
exact 0 Volt by using Potentiometer POTI 2 on the rear of the module (the one closest
to the centre). Once it is calibrated to 0 Volt, you change the Offset switch for CV to the
left position which lets you calibrate the -5 Volt offset. For this you use the
Potentiometer POTI 1 to calibrate the -5 Volt offset. When calibrated, check again the 0
Volt and the -5 Volt position to be sure they are correct.
Now you don’t need to touch the potentiometers any more so the NerdSEQ can be
placed back in the rack. Switch the CV and MOD offset back to the right position (0
Go to the next menu row
OUT CV1 10 V
. Change the value until it is exactly (or very
close to) 10 Volt. After that you could proceed to the next value ( 9 Volt) or do a auto fill
of the values 9V → 1V. For that press
OUT CV1 10 V
which will
interpolate all values for CV1 ( 9 Volt → 1 Volt ). Now the values for CV1 are
interpolated and you can continue with the fine tuning for these values.
Now connect the Multimeter to the MOD1 output and choose the next row in the menu
OUT MOD1 (0V).
Change the value until the multimeter measures closest to 0 Volt. For
your information, there is a possibility that you can’t reach the exact 0 Volt point. Since
the resolution of the NerdSEQ is 10/4095 values, the finest voltage resolution is 0.0024
volt. So the value closest to 0 with a slight difference in the 3
and 4
digits is absolutely
Now choose the next Menu Row
and change the setting until you
measure exactly or very close to 10 Volt at the MOD1 output. Proceed again with all the
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 87
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022