FX+* → Add or multiply a value to the last used effect. This effect will remember a
last value from the selected FX and adds or multiplies a value to/with it. The effect is
being updated then as well. For example if the last used effect was a MOD change
to value 300, and the FX was set to add 10 to this, a new MOD change to 310 would
be initiated. Now the 310 is the last known value. FX+* functions can be called
multiple times and works so with the results of the last changed values. If you
multiply for example to the last FX value, lets say again to the just changed MOD
effect (which was 310 now) and a multiply of 1.5 (hex value 0F, the multiply range
goes from 0.1 to 25.5), then the current MOD value would be multiplied by 1.5 and
changed again. The result here is 498 (values in hex) and the MOD is being
updated again.
The calculations can be processed to work only up to the maximum effect value or
to overflow.
The first digit defines the affected FX column, the type of calculation and if it should
overflow or not. ( an overflow occours if the new value is higher than the highest
value (or lower then the lowest, depending on the calculation type) of the effect. For
example, if the maximum value of the effect is FF (255), and the current value is FE
(254) and the calculation would be ‘ADD 0A (10dec) with overflow’ then the result
would be 8. )
0XX Add value XX to the last FX1 Effect (no overflow)
1XX Add value XX to the last FX2 Effect (no overflow)
2XX Add value XX to the last FX3 Effect (no overflow)
3XX Add value XX to the last FX4 Effect (no overflow)
4XX Add value XX to the last FX1 Effect (with overflow)
5XX Add value XX to the last FX2 Effect (with overflow)
6XX Add value XX to the last FX3 Effect (with overflow)
7XX Add value XX to the last FX4 Effect (with overflow)
8XX Multiply XX (0.1 – 25.5) with the last FX1 Effect (no overflow)
9XX Multiply XX (0.1 – 25.5) with the last FX2 Effect (no overflow)
AXX Multiply XX (0.1 – 25.5) with the last FX3 Effect (no overflow)
BXX Multiply XX (0.1 – 25.5) with the last FX4 Effect (no overflow)
CXX Multiply XX (0.1 – 25.5) with the last FX1 Effect (with overflow)
DXX Multiply XX (0.1 – 25.5) with the last FX2 Effect (with overflow)
EXX Multiply XX (0.1 – 25.5) with the last FX3 Effect (with overflow)
FXX Multiply XX (0.1 – 25.5) with the last FX4 Effect (with overflow)
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022