First again the sequencer row (up to 64).
Dependig on the used Midi gear, settings might act like knobs.
PC → Program Change. Sends a program change command to the midi channel. If the ‘On
Change’ setting in the Midi track setup is enabled, then it will only be sent on change. Some
Midi-Devices need a long time until the Program Change is ready and stop playing then. So
the function sends only when it really changes and minimizes midi gear hickup then. You
can press the
button to directly send the program change / prelisten.
FX1..2 → 2 FX columns with the following functions:
- PBND → Pitch bend. Sets the pitch bend, where 2000 is the middle value (eg pitch bend
not used), 3FFF is maximum (Pitch bend wheel full UP) and 0000 is minimum (Pitch bend
Wheel down)
- CTL1..CTL8 → Midi Control preset messages for CC and Program change. Sends
controller changes to the controllers which are set up in the midi track settings. The last 2
digits 00XX are for the value. (7F maximum). If the First digit X000 is set to one, then the
digit 0X00 sets the Midi Channel. With this it is possible to send CC values also to other
channels than the Midi Channel which is set up for the track. Some devices receive main
data on one channel and other parameters via CC on other channels. If the first digit X000
is reset to 0, then the midi channel which is setup up for the track is used.
Additionally the Control Preset can be set to Program change in the setup screen. The
meaning of the digits is the same as with the control changes but it will produce program
change messages.
- CC A..CC H→ Free assignable Midi CC. As the Midi controller numbers for CC#1..8 are
fixed and must be set up in the track settings. These controllers can be freely assigned.
The first 2 digits XX00 set the controller type/number and the 2
two digits the value.
The main difference to the first 8 controllers is that the first 8 controllers can be used also
for the Automators and other channels while the controllers 9..16 can freely be assigned in
the sequence.
- CATC → Channel Aftertouch. Sends extra aftertouch settings valid for the whole channel
(mostly used with most midi implementations)
- PAT1..4 → Polyphonic Aftertouch. Sends extra Aftertouch settings per note. Where 1..4 is
the note column which should be addressed. The values are valid from 00 to 7F.
Polyphonic aftertouch is often not implemented as it generates a much larger amount of
midi traffic CC.
- NRP1..4 → Sets NRPN controllers. These act mostly like higher resolution CC if
implemented by the midi device. The NRPN Controller number is being set in the midi track
setup screen and the value can be form 0000 to 3FFF then. Be aware that NRPN message
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 47
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022