Pitch → Modulates the pitch of the current playing sample/wave for either the first or the 2
sample/wave in the pattern screen
Volume → Modulates the Volume
Bitcrush → Modulates the bitcrush settings
Distortion → Modulates the distortion settings
Position → Manipulates the current sample offset/position (funny time stretching effects are
possible with that). In combination with a pulse wave, it modulates the pulse width
Wavefold → Manipulates the wavefold settings of the sample/waveform
Overrule FX1..4 → Overrules the next FX value
Probability % → Manipulates the probability settings for the Samples 1/2
Probability FX → Manipulates the probability settings for the defined FX
Probability Row → Manipulates the probability settings for the whole track row
Overrule Steps → Overrules the current step in the current playing pattern part. This is an
experimental function.
All audio destinations are for either the 1
or for the 2
sample/wave of an audio track except for
the row probability which is for both.
The destinations in the modulation matrix for the Midi assigned tracks are:
Pitchbend → Sends pitch bend data to the midi device.
CC1..8 → Sends CC data to the controller numbers which are set up in the midi track
NRPN1..4 → Sends NRPN data to the controller numbers which are set up in the midi
track settings
Note overrule → Not implemented yet
The rest are the same as a regular CV/Gate track, except for that the probabilities are set to
the midi note and fx groups.
Be aware that Automation data to Midi can generate a huge amount of data which might be too
much for your midi device to work properly or generate a midi data traffic jam and so other
important data can be missed. It depends on the device and on the amount of data that is being
produced. For that reason there is a setting in the midi track settings which allows to reduce the
generated midi data from Automators. With it the data can be throttled from 100% to 50%, 25%,
10%, and 5%. It is advisable to apply the lowest acceptable value. Mostly settings of around 10%
are more than good enough for nice modulations. But of course it always depends on what is being
controlled and the automation data that is generated.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 75
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022