Trigger (OK) → Current/Last trigger setting for the local Trigger. Can be triggered with the OK
Note 1 Probability % → Current probability setting for Midi Note 1
Note 3 Probability % → Current probability setting for Midi Note 3
Note 2 Probability % → Current probability setting for Midi Note 2
Note 4 Probability % → Current probability setting for Midi Note 4
FX1 Probability % → Current FX1 Probability setting
FX2 Probability % → Current FX2 Probability setting
FX3 Probability % → Current FX3 Probability setting
Row Probability % → Current Row probability setting
Table Screen
A Table is kind of a sequencer in the sequencer. So inside the regular sequencer you can start an
additional table sequencer to manipulate your current pattern sequence or create new sequences
for different purposes. Tables are also able to create their own sequences. Table sequences are
maximum 16 steps long (but they can be chained so longer table sequences are possible) and can
be started from the table column within a CV/Gate track via the Table FX command. Tables are
currently available for the internal CV/Gate and the audio tracks.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 68
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022
Figure 16: Table Screen