example, if you create a pattern on a CV/Trigger/Gate track, then you can use it on any of the 6
CV/Trigger/Gate Tracks, but not on the audio tracks.
The same goes for an audio pattern created on an audio track, it can be used on the 2 audio
tracks, but not on the 6 CV/Trigger/Gate Tracks. The editor prevents this. The reason for this is that
the different types have some common but mostly different parameters which are not
interchangeable. The same is true for a track that is dedicated to an expander. The patterns that
are created in the expander track (e.g. More Triggers 16 expander) are not compatible with the CV/
Gate patterns or the audio patterns and vice versa.
The same goes for the patches which are then also locked to the type of the pattern.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022