in between values ( 9V – 1V) for the MOD1 output or use also here to interpolate first
) if wanted.
Connect your multimeter to the next output
and choose the next row in the menu
and change the values again to get the 0 Volt.
Proceed with the measuring until you calibrated all CV and MOD outputs.
Next you can auto calibrate your inputs (after all outputs are calibrated well). For that
you only have to connect the CV1 Output with the CV1 input. The CV2 output with the
CV2 input, the CV3 output with the CV3 input and the CV4 output with the CV4 input.
Be sure your offset switches are set to the right and no automators or any other
functions are running.
Auto Calibrate Inputs
which gives you a small explanation about what to do.
Press OK to start the automatic input calibration.
Next you could test all the other outputs. The menu settings show you the expected
voltages for the outputs.
In the top row you can find an extra save calibration option. In general the calibration
settings will auto-save when you leave the calibration screen. A manual save is also
possible in between.
Sample testing for audio output 7 and 8 will turn on a sine waveform which can be
tested on the outputs.
beside to the autocalibrate function for the inputs, you can manually calibrate the input
together with the voltage source (for example a CV keyboard) you are using. For that it
makes most sense to follow these steps:
Of course, connect the CV input that you want to calibrate with your source.
Play a low note on the source (for example C-1). Choose the offset of the CV input row
(Input X 1V). In the status bar you can read which note the NerdSEQ is measuring.
Change the offset until the note matches the low note you played. Try to reach the note,
the number next to it should as close as possible to zero. Play a very high note on the
keyboard (for example C-8). Go to the range position of the calibration and change it
until the status bar shows the note. Also here try to get the value as close as possible to
zero. Repeat this a few times until the offset and range are as fine as possible.
Do the same for the other inputs. The CV inputs are matching the source then.
Without a source you can also use the CV outputs 1..4 again connected to the CV
inputs 1..4 and manually calibrate. The outputs will automatically be set to either C-1 /
1V or C-9 / 9 Volt as the calibration reference. The result will most probably be the
same as the auto-calibration.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 88
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022