‘Position X’ moves the cursor in the sequencer screen horizontally between the Tracks
1..8. The lowest CV value will position the cursor on Track 1, while the highest CV value will
position it on Track 8, the rest linear in between.
‘Position Y’ moves the cursor vertically between the rows on the sequencer screen. The
lowest CV values will position the cursor on Row 00 while the highest CV values will
position the cursor on row FE. Other voltages linear in between the rows.
‘Position Start’ A trigger / gate on the CV input starts the pattern on the cursor position as
‘Position Stop’ A trigger / gate on the CV input initiates a stop of the track/pattern on the
cursor position.
Audio 7..8 Gate / Trigger
→ Plays the last set/used sample on Track 7..8 if the gate is set
or if set on trigger, triggers the sample.
Audio 7..8 Pitch →
Defines the note of the sample which is being played through the
Sample/Gate function.
Audio 7..8 Offset →
Defines the start/offset position of the sample which is being played
through the Sample/Gate function. (can be used to start different slices of the sample)
Audio 7..8 Slot →
Defines the sample slot which is being played through the
Sample/Gate function. If not defined, then the last played sample will play.
As explained earlier, if Live Input is turned off, then the input settings have no effect.
Destination types can be changed using
and destination numbers
(eg tracks 1..8) can be changed using
Input 1..4 Recording
→ Assign the CV inputs for recording
CV 1..6 Note
→ Records a note into the current playing step. Records only if in record
mode and a pattern is playing on the track of the selected CV. The notes are filled in on
MOD 1..6
→ Records a modulation value into the currently playing step. Records only if in
record mode and a pattern is playing on the track of the selected MOD. Modulation values
are entered on any change in voltage detected.
GATE 1..6
→ Records Gates into the trigger column current playing step. FE for Gate ON
and 00 for Gate OFF. Records only if in record mode and a pattern is playing on the track of
the selected Gate.
→ Records triggers into the trigger column current playing step. Fills in a 40
as trigger value if a trigger happened on the CV input.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 110
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022