The destinations in the modulation matrix for the ‘More Triggers 16’ expander assigned tracks are:
Trigger 1..4 Length → Overrules the next trigger (trigger of the expander) setting where the
length of the trigger is decided by the Automator output (10 .. F0)
Delayed Trigger/Gate 1..4 length → overrules the next trigger (of the expander) setting with
a OFF/ON trigger / gate where the length of the delay is decided by the Automator output
(01 .. 0F)
Triggers Galore → Sends triggers (the triggers are as set up in track setup) to the trigger
outputs of the current position of the Automator output.
Triggers Square 8 → Uses the Automator output to set and reset Trigger output 8 (or 16 if
swapped). If the Automator output is higher than 0 then the output is being set and if lower
0 than the output is reset. Only applies to outputs 8 or 16!
The rest are the same as a regular CV/Gate track, except for that the probabilities are set to
the trigger output groups.
The destinations for the CV16 tracks are:
CV 1..16 → Modulates the function onto the CV outputs 1..16
Column 1 Probability → Probability for Column 1 of the pattern screen
Column 2 Probability → Probability for Column 2 of the pattern screen
Column 3 Probability → Probability for Column 3 of the pattern screen
Column 4 Probability → Probability for Column 4 of the pattern screen
Column 5+6 Probability → Probability for Column 5+6 of the pattern screen
FX1..3 Probability → Probability for the FX1..3 column
FX1..3 Overrule → Overrules the values of the FX1..3 column
Envelope 1..8 Attack/Sustain/Release → Modulates the envelope settings
LFO 1..8 Type/Speed/Amplitude → Modulates the LFO settings
Local CV → Modulates the local CV output of the track-setup
Local MOD → Modulates the local MOD output of the track-setup
Local Glide (CV/MOD) → Modulates the local glide settings
Row Probability → Modulates the probability of the complete pattern row
You can change the Slot and Modulation settings by using
Start and Stop toggle by pressing
Start by using
Stop by using
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 76
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022