However, you can of course use the trigger commands to overrule the automatic gating or
turn the autogate feature off in the setup.
An expander never adds more tracks to the NerdSEQ. The amount of tracks is fixed to 6
regular tracks and 2 audio tracks. The 8 tracks can be assigned to the expanders and
provide additional functionality when assigned and all functions of the local tracks (if used
with tracks 1..6) will still be available!!
Probability is a major function which you can set to a certain percentage. It works for all
coming steps and not only for the one step where it’s being activated.
Midi controller 78 will turn off all notes
Firmware update
A new firmware can be reliably flashed into the NerdSEQ to fix bugs and add new features (and
there will be a lot of new features!)
For that you need to put a new firmware file onto the SD card in the \firmware folder. Be sure the
file is named ‘NerdSEQ.hex’. Check the troubleshoot on the forum if you have issues downloading
the file with your browser.
When powering on the NerdSEQ (or after a software reset from the settings screen), you have to
press and hold these 3 buttons (best pressed before powering up or just after the software reset):
. ( Not the
button!!! )
Keep holding the buttons until the bootloader appears, then release the buttons. NerdSEQ will
check for the file for consistency, shows the new software version and asks if it should be flashed.
if you want it to be flashed. Once NerdSEQ has finished flashing you must check the
status and press
again to start up the new version. The screen will show if the flashing was
succesful. It is possible for the Progressbar and the percentage to go over the 100%. Don’t worry
about that, if NerdSEQ indicates succesful flashing then the update went well!
That’s it. If the flashing is interrupted for some reason (power, SD card removal), then you can
simply do it again (after power up). Entering the Bootloader mode after power up should work at all
It is possible that the firmware upgrade mode shows an SD card error. This can happen if the SD
card was not recognized well first try, keep holding the keys and it will usually work well on the next
try which will follow automatically. No worries here, just try it again.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 131
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022