000 → No function
001 → Stop Track at the end of the Pattern
002 → Stop Track immediately
003 → Stop Song immediately
004 → Set Clock Output
005 → Reset Clock Output
006 → Pulse Clock Output
007 → Set Clockreset Output
008 → Reset Clockreset Output
009 → Pulse Clockreset Output
00A → Reset all FX values of the track
00B → Reset all FX values of all tracks
00C → Jump to a random position in the same pattern (within the patternlength)
00D → Resync Track to the mainclock (synchronizes on the zero cross of the
00E → Resync All tracks to the mainclock (synchronizes on the zero cross of the
00F → Avoid transpose for the Track
010 → Allow transpose for the Track
011 → Create a table tick. This is for the current running table on the track and can
be used to proceed with the next table step.
012 → Sync Clock. Force synchronize the current pattern to the mainclock directly.
BPM → Changing the main Tempo to the desired Beats Per Minute
BASE: Basenote transposes all following notes from the recent pattern with the
value of the basenote > 00 is higher, < FF is lower . The transposition lasts until the
end of the pattern.
KILL: Stops the note before the next step, with it you can create really short
gates/triggers or every possible gate timing.
As an additional function a value of 0 doesn’t trigger the note. To be used for a note
change only without a new triggering/gating.
BRK: Break/Jump/Repeat: Resets (breaks) the pattern sequencer to the begin. With
this you can regulate your amount of steps in the sequencer for each pattern. (up to
64 steps). The second function is a repeat of the pattern for a X amount of times.
Then you fill in a value with the break (below 100) and the pattern repeats. A repeat
value of FF (255) is special and lets the pattern repeat endlessly.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 36
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022