4 Note columns where each Note columns has the Note Value and a Velocity value. If any
overrule channel is turned on for a column, then you can see the channel assignment on
the top next to the music note.
The notes reach from C-0 to C-A. Behind note C-A they are 16 random range settings RN0
→ RNF which can be used to generate a random note within the selected range. Pressing
Button on these will bring you to the →
. Random notes
work also with the chord function.
The Velocity (mostly volume) can be from 00 (Note off) to 7F. So 4 voice polyphonic midi
sequencing per track is possible. Additionally also notes for the local CV, MOD and Trigger/
Gate outputs can be filled in here. You can get to these when a note is filled in. In the
Velocity column, if you press
, then it swaps to some special functions. Pressing
again will bring you back to the velocity values.
The special values for the velocity can be used for random velocities as well as to control
also the local CV/Gate track outputs which do not affect Midi data then.
The special values have the following functions (together with the Note or Note off):
Local (track) CV Output functions:
→ Does only a note change on the CV output. No gate change if a note is filled in.
Gate off if a note off is filled in.
→ Does a note change while turning the Gate OFF
→ Does a note change while turning the Gate ON
→ Does a note change while doing a trigger of 10ms (like trigger 20)
→ Does a note change while doing a trigger of 40ms (like trigger 80)
→ Does a note change while toggling the current Gate state
Local (track) MOD Output functions:
→ Does only a note change on the MOD output. No gate change if a note is filled in.
Gate off if a note off is filled in.
→ Does a note change while turning the Gate OFF
→ Does a note change while turning the Gate ON
→ Does a note change while doing a trigger of 10ms (like trigger 20)
→ Does a note change while doing a trigger of 40ms (like trigger 80)
→ Does a note change while toggling the current Gate state
Local (track) Trigger/Gate functions:
→ Gate On if a note is filled in but note is ignored. Gate off if Note off is filled in, but
note change is ignored.
→ Gate OFF without note change.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022