ENV1..8 → Local Envelope settings. (same as for CV-Gate patterns, check there for
STSP → Start sequencer pattern. Here you can select any position on the sequencer
screen that should start to play next. It works in the same way as the start button. It’s
toggling between start on the zero cross of the main clock or start on the next queue
point. The First digit X00 is for the track where zero is for the whole row and 1..8 for the
sequencer tracks. The 2
two digits 0XX are for the row number in the sequencer
CBPB → Combined Playback FX
Same as the ->
settings in a Modular CV/Gate Track.
LSMP → ‘Nearly’ seamless load of a complete sample block. A sample block (content of
all 12 sample slots) can be replaced by that. More on that in the →
section where sample blocks can be generated.
SPFX → Special FX functions.
Same as the →
settings in a Modular CV/Gate Track.
BPM → Changing the main Tempo to the desired Beats Per Minute
KILL → (2do) Stops a sample at a given time.
BRK → Break/Jump : Breaks (stops) the pattern. By that you can create shorter steps
than the standard 64 steps. (eg 16 steps or 7 or so..). Be aware that BRK stops both
parts of the pattern. So also when working with different timings in one pattern, the
pattern will completely be broken and resynchronised with the next pattern. If a value is
filled into the lower digits then the pattern will repeat with the inserted amount (e.g. a
002 will repeat the pattern until the break 2 times = Will play it 3 times). A repeat value
of 255 will repeat the pattern endlessly.
The second function is to jump to a row in the same pattern. To use the jump function,
set the first digit to 1. The last 2 digits are the pattern row to jump to. So for example
BRK 105 will jump to row 5. Or BRK 110 jumps to row 10 (or 16 decimal). BRK 000 (or
any value lower 100) will only activate the Break function. Be aware that the
jump/repeat functions work only on the first FX column for sample 1 of the track.
Groove: Also here the groove settings for the step. Standard is 6 but different length of the
step can be set by that. See the groove explanation on the normal pattern groove section.
A particularity here is that one pattern has 2 groove settings so you can have different
settings for the 2 parts of the pattern.
The groove difference indicator is shown if the total amount of groove ticks doesn’t match
the pattern length and the main groove tick setting.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 43
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022