Page 3:
The 3
page contains the 3
FX column which has the same settings as the former 2 FX columns.
Next to it are the Patch and Table settings. The Patch function works in the same way as for the
local CV/Gate tracks and so all FX parameters of a CV16 expander can be manipulated from the
patches. The table functions are currently not available for CV16 Tracks.
At last the groove settings which works in the same way as the groove settings from the normal
CV/Gate tracks.
Basic Pattern screen functions
Now we return to the general pattern functions which are valid for all pattern types.
If ‘Navigation Wrap’ is enabled in the settings, then the cursor will jump back to the top when the
end is reached below, the same applies if the cursor reached the most right position it will go back
to the most left position, and vice versa.
Using the Nerd Menu, you can also name a pattern.
In the setup menu you can change the highlighting period (e.g. every 4
row is highlighted)
Extra editing features if not marked:
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 61
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022
Figure 13: Pattern Screen (CV16 Track, 3