This can either be used in a sequence so when the player reaches the ‘**’ it will stop the track (not
the sequencer). Starting a ‘**’ manually will stop the track. This can be used to start only several
tracks/patterns in a row or to stop multiple tracks.
You navigate in the Sequencer Screen with the Cursor keys. Depending on whether ‘Navigation
Wrap’ is enabled the cursor will wrap back to the begin from the most right position, or not.
You can start playing a row by pressing start. The selected pattern, or the first (top) assigned
pattern will start to play. So only one track starts to play. If you want to start the whole row, press
stops the player. Initiates a reset pulse on the reset outputs and resets all gates.
(And if enabled in the settings, resets all Effect Values).
While playing, pressing start on another selected pattern will trigger the pattern to play after the last
pattern of the same column finished it’s sequence (Normal Launch Mode) or on a zero cross of the
mainclock (Sync Launch Mode). Pressing
two times, will trigger the next pattern faster,
after an amount of steps, set up by the Project setting ‘Live Queuepoints’, derived from the main
clock steps. You can see the next point of the starting point on the top and bottom Main Clock
, stops the pattern after it’s finished and no other pattern on this track is being played after
twice finishes the pattern play immediately on this track.
Also if
is being pressed when the sequencer is not running, a note off is sent to all midi
devices as a new reset-pulse Is being generated on the reset output.
while the player is playing triggers the whole row to be played next.
Chained patterns (next under each other) are automatically chained and play after each other and
from the chain begin again once the chain ends.
You can also Mark multiple tracks pressing
and when pressing either the
button the selection will start or stop the tracks in the same launch way. (start will use the
first marked row).
You can create a new pattern by pressing the
Button on an empty field. The created pattern
gets a new pattern-number and the new pattern itself will be empty. If you press
on a filled in
sequencer field, you either enter the filled in pattern or nothing happens, depending on the setting.
You can clone a pattern by pressing
when with the cursor on a pattern number. The
content of the pattern will then be completely cloned into a new pattern.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 19
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022