Connect Devices
750-666/000-003 4FDI/2FDO 24V/10A PROFIsafe V2 iPar
Version 1.2.0, valid from HW/SW Version 01/01
Passivation of the PROFIsafe I/O module when switching the digital power
If the PROFIsafe I/O module is used to switch capacitive loads or interference-
free I/O modules and the PROFIsafe I/O module is passivates with an error
message (e.g., Short circuit on the digital input), then a back-up capacitor (Order
No. 288-824) has to be used to support the 24V field supply voltage or a separate
PELV/SELV power supply must be used to supply the 24V field supply voltage
for the digital power outputs.
Also read the section Power Supply Requirements!