Glossary 159
750-666/000-003 4FDI/2FDO 24V/10A PROFIsafe V2 iPar
Version 1.2.0, valid from HW/SW Version 01/01
Test mode
The test mode is intended for starting up and configuring the PROFIsafe I/O
module with the iPar server and is initiated by the PROFIsafe I/O module upon
receiving the F parameter F_iPar_CRC = 0. . This eliminates the check of
F_iPar_CRC against iPar_CRC. All digital inputs and power outputs are
passivated during test mode and the PROFIsafe I/O module outputs the substitute
values (failsafe values) instead of actual process values to the controller.
According to the PROFIsafe specification, the test mode is indicated visually by 2
Hz flashing of the parameterization LED (LED H) in green on the PROFIsafe I/O
TCI (Tool Calling Interface)
TCI (Tool Calling Interface) is an interface specified by the PROFIBUS User
Organization (PNO), which defines how device-specific or manufacturer-specific
parameterization tools are called from a configuration environment. The features
of the interface are described in conformance classes. Generally, the
communication options of the specific software tools are determined with the
Valence evaluation
The valence evaluation is the analysis of two input signals either according to the
rules of equivalence (equality) or according to the rules of antivalence
WAGO-I/O-CHECK is a manufacturer tool used to configure WAGO I/O
modules. To configure PROFIsafe I/O modules, WAGO-I/O-CHECK 3.2 and
WAGO-Safety_Editor 75x 2.0 are required.
See also "WAGO parameterization tool".
WAGO parameterization tool
The WAGO parameterization tool is required to configure the PROFIsafe I/O
module. The tool involves both manufacturer tools WAGO-I/O-CHECK 3.2 and
WAGO-Safety-Editor 75x 2.0.
See also "WAGO-I/O-CHECK".
WAGO-Safety-Editor 75x 2.0
The WAGO-Safety-Editor 75x 2.0 is used together with WAGO-I/O-CHECK 3.2
to configure the PROFIsafe I/O module.