Number of communication controllers setting
The number of communication controllers when conducting Polling I/O communication is set by the
attribute ID 236 of object instance (instance ID) 1 in Z-TIO module object (0x64: 64Hex).
Corresponding object: Z-TIO module object (0x64: 64Hex)
Object class ID: 64
Instance ID:
Attribute ID:
236 (Number of polling I/O communication controllers)
Write data:
1 to 31
Number of communication data items setting
The number of communication data items when conducting Polling I/O communication is set by the
attribute IDs, 240 and 241 of object instance (instance ID) 1 in Z-TIO module object (0x64: 64Hex).
Attribute ID 240: Number of communication measured data items (IN)
Attribute ID 241: Number of communication setting data items (OUT)
Corresponding object: Z-TIO module object (0x64: 64Hex)
Object class ID: 64
Instance ID:
Attribute ID:
240 (Number of communication measured words)
241 (Number of communication setting words)
Write data:
0 to 200 words
The number of communication data items can be calculated from the following equation.
Number of communication data items
(Number of words of first communication item for one module
Number of words of next communication item for one module
Number of words of last communication item for one module
Number of communication controllers
Fixed communication date items: 5 words
In the case of two-channel type (Z-TIO-B modules), the number of the words per one module is
the same as four-channel type (Z-TIO-A modules).
Measured data items (IN)
Receive counter: 1 word, Alarm state: 2 words, RUN/STOP state: 2 words
Setting data items (OUT)
Setting state selection: 3 words, RUN/STOP transfer: 2 words