VU-ACD™/100 Maintenance Guide – Host/DOS
Preventive, Corrective & File Maintenance
Event messages are fully described in the MIS Interface Specifications available from Northern Telecom
(Nortel – DMS-100) and Lucent Technologies (5ESS). Perimeter Technology Product Support
technicians are capable of downloading and analyzing the fed log listings. A captured fed log can also be
used to duplicate the conditions causing a problem.
Real-Time Display Messages
The VU-ACD/100 Real-Time Display generates the following broadcast warning messages:
Data Link Interruption
– appears if the link between VU-ACD/100 and the ACD switch
Disk Space Warning
– appears if disk space capacity decreases below predetermined
Load Management Command Executed
– appears whenever a load management macro
has been sent to the DMS-100.
ACD MIS Shutdown
– appears when a ACD MIS shut down is initiated.
All broadcast messages are time-stamped to indicate when they were generated. Pressing the
removes the message currently displayed on the screen. Press
to display all broadcast messages
received during the last 48 hours. Press
to cycle through the messages until all have been shown.
Data Link Interruption Alarm
When a link drops, agents are automatically logged off the VU-ACD/100. Agents will
continue to handle calls. However, the Real-Time Display shows dark blue – Unattended
– for all logged off agents.
Without MultiLink
VU-ACD/100 constantly monitors the status of the data link between the ACD MIS and Centrex ACD
switch, Net-VU server or other ACD MIS host. If the data link fails, a message appears on the Real-
Time Display of the host and all remote terminals. The information also appears on the System Log File
and the Link Log.
The message contains the time and date when the data link communication failure occurred. Pressing the
key removes the message from the Real-Time Display. An additional message appears on the Real-
Time Display when data link communication resumes. The link reinstatement message includes the date
and time the data link communication resumed as shown below:
Fri Jan 08 07:02:11 1999
Link to Switch Lost !!!
Press Esc key to continue
Fri Jan 08 07:18:32 1999
Link Reestablished
Press Esc key to continue
With MultiLink
VU-ACD/100 constantly monitors the status of each data link between the ACD MIS and Centrex ACD
switches, Net-VU servers and/or other ACD MIS hosts. If a data link fails, a message appears on the
Real-Time Display of the host and all remote terminals. The information also appears on the System Log
File and the Link Log.
The message contains the time and date when the data link communication failure occurred and specifies
the switch node of the failed link. An additional message appears on the Real-Time Display when data
link communication resumes. The link reinstatement message includes the date and time the data link
communication resumed and the switch node as shown below:
Fri Jan 08 07:03:19 1999
Link to Switch NODE2 Lost !!!
Press Esc key to continue