Section 6: Programming
To obtain the reset code, the user must provide a corresponding system lock code, displayed on the keypad when one of the
following conditions occurs:
the system has been disarmed (Duress Code excluded)
the bell has timed out (24Hr zones)
an access code has been entered (24Hr zones)
On an LCD keypad, the message “REMOTE RESET RQD” is displayed on the top line and “CODE” along with the actual code is
displayed across the bottom line..
While the system is locked out, the only options available are [*][3], [*][6], [*][7], and [*][8]. Accessing [*][8] Installer Programming
unlocks the alarm system. The system continues to function (alarms, tampers, etc) while the system is locked out. Lock out follows
both transmission and bell delays.
OFF: The system is not locked out after an alarm occurs.
5 – Engineer’s Reset (EU)
ON: If the alarm system has gone into alarm during the previous armed period, or if a 24-hour alarm has occurred (armed or
disarmed), the system cannot be armed (Ready light OFF) until Installer Programming is entered or Engineer’s Reset is performed via
DLS. “Reset Required” is displayed on the keypad. This feature applies to tampers and faults in both armed and disarmed states and
does not apply to module tampers, system supervisories, zone expander alarms or PGM 2 input alarms.
If Engineer’s Reset is triggered during exit delay, the system still arms. Troubles cannot be overridden while Engineer’s Reset
is enabled.
OFF: The system does not require Engineer’s Reset or to be placed into Installer Programming in order to arm the alarm system after
an alarm.
6 – Keyswitch Disarming During Entry Delay
ON: Keyswitches, proximity tags and wireless keys disarm the alarm system only if an entry delay is active.
OFF: Keyswitches, proximity tags and wireless keys disarm the alarm system regardless of entry delay.
Do not enable with option in conjunction with [040] Prox and Code.
7 – Installer Access and DLS
ON: The user must enter [*][6][access code][05] before the installer can access Installer Programming by DLS or via the keypad ([*]
Installer Programming remains accessible for 6 hours, during which time the installer can enter/exit or connect with DLS an unlimited
number of times.
OFF: The installer can access Installer Programming without the user entering [*][6].
8 – Troubles Inhibit Arming
ON: The following troubles prevent arming until restored:
Tampers on the alarm system, modules and zones
Corbus troubles
AC troubles on the alarm system and modules
Battery troubles on the alarm system, modules and zones
Transmission troubles (FTC, TLM, GPRS, Ethernet)
Bell troubles
The alarm system can still be armed if troubles are overridden. To perform a trouble override, while in the Trouble Menu ([*][2]), scroll
right or left and press [*] when Trouble Acknowledgment is displayed on the keypad. Alternatively, press the [9][9] key to acknowledge
and override the existing troubles. To override open zones, faulted zones or tampered zones use the Zone Bypass feature.
OFF: The system can be armed even when troubles are present.
For CP-01 installations, this optionis disabled.
When Engineer’s Reset is on, trouble conditions cannot be overridden. Zone Expander supervisory troubles cannot be
acknowledged and overridden. These conditions must be restored before the panel can be armed.
When [024][3] is enabled, AC/DC Inhibit Arming, the AC or DC trouble must be restored before the system can be armed.
[021] System Option 9
1 – Trouble Display
ON: If the panel is both armed and keypad blanking is active, when a trouble is present the keypad trouble LED will remain off . When
the system is disarmed, or if blanking is removed, the trouble LED will be active if a trouble is present.
OFF: The trouble LED will turn off when keypad blanking is active in armed or disarmed state.
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