General: Signature
Use signature
: Select this option to add a signature to all your outgoing text and
multimedia messages.
: Tap to compose your own signature.
General: Personalize
Lets you customize the message thread’s background image and color and texture of
message bubbles.
General: Font size
Set the font size for message threads.
General: Callback number
Enable or change the callback number for SMS messages.
Use Google’s Gmail service and your Google Account to send, receive, and manage your Gmail
messages. Before using Gmail, you must register a Google (Gmail) Account on your phone. See
Gmail Cautions
Gmail is handled as email from a PC. Restricting email from PCs on your phone prevents your phone
from receiving Gmail.
Create and Send Gmail
Create and send an email message from your Gmail account.
1. Tap
The Gmail inbox opens.
2. In the inbox of the Gmail account you want to use, tap
The Gmail composition window opens.
3. Enter the message recipient(s), subject, and message, and then tap
The Gmail message is sent.
Gmail Composition Options
Adding Cc/Bcc
: In the mail composition window, tap
next to the "To" field.