DUAL, TRIPLE, POKER DC Inverter : 5. Control Functions
Multi Liberty
DC Inverter
5.8.2 Protection in case of low temperature inside the room
If temperature (T1) inside the room is lower than 10°C, indoor fan is stopped and normal operation will be restored
only after room temperature has reached a value of at least 12°C.
5.8.3 Frost prevention function of Indoor Unit’s heat exchanger, in Dry mode
The conditions for intervention/restoring of frost prevention function are the same as those already described
concerning operation in Cooling mode (see the previous page).
5.9 Operation in Heating mode (“HEAT”)
5.9.1 Indoor fan speed control
In this mode, it is possible to set Indoor Unit’s fan speed by selecting among the following options: “High”, “Med”,
“Low”, “Auto”.
For HFIU X Multi Liberty Indoor Units only, the 4th step for fan speed - “S-Hi” (Super-High) or “U-Hi” (“Ultra-High”)
- can be selected by “SW103” dip-switches on dedicated micro-PCB of Indoor Unit. This speed setting is active
in “Powerful” mode.
5.9.2 Anticold air draft prevention control, at start in Heating mode
At start, this function has priority as regards speed setting by remote control. In fact, fan speed is controlled
depending on T2 temperature, detected on Indoor Unit’s heat exchanger, as it is shown on the following Tables
and diagrams.
If heat exchanger’s
temperature (T2)
tends to increase
If heat exchanger’s
temperature (T2)
tends to decrease
Indoor fan speed
T2 < 34°C
T2 < 24°C
24°C < T2 < 33°C
T2 > 44°C
T2 > 38°C
37°C < T2 < 44°C
33°C < T2 < 38°C
Set speed
Set speed
34°C < T2 < 37°C
(T2 = Temperature of Indoor Unit’s heat exchanger)
HKEU X Models
HFIU X Models
T2 = temperature of Indoor Unit’s heat exchanger.
T2 (°C)
Set speed
“Low” speed
“Breeze” speed