DUAL, TRIPLE, POKER DC Inverter : 5. Control Functions
Multi Liberty
DC Inverter
5.6.2 Automatic control of fan speed (HKEU X, HTFU X, HSFU X, HRBU X Models) in Fan mode (“FAN”). This
function is illustrated in the following diagram.
Briefly, according to changes of temperature detected inside the room (T1), as regards temperature fixed by control
electronics (Ta = 24°C for HKEU X Models; Ta = 23°C for HTFU X, HSFU X, HRBU X Models), it occurs the following:
- If (T1 -Ta)
3°C, indoor fan speed changes from “High” to “Medium”.
- If (T1 -Ta)
1°C, indoor fan speed changes from “Medium” to “Low”.
- If (T1 -Ta) > 1.0°C, indoor fan speed changes from “Low” to “Medium”.
- If (T1 -Ta) > 4.0°C, indoor fan speed changes from “Medium” to “High”.
5.7 Operation in Cooling mode (“COOL”)
5.7.1 In this operation mode, it possible to set fan speed on Indoor Unit among the following options: “High”, “Med”,
“Low”, “Auto”.
For HFIU X Multi Liberty Indoor Units only, the 4th step of fan speed (“S-Hi” (Super-High) or “U-Hi” (“Ultra-High”)
can be selected, by “SW103” dip-switches on dedicated micro-PCB of Indoor Unit. This speed setting is active in
“Powerful” mode.
5.7.2 If “Auto” setting is selected, fan speed is automatically selected by control electronics, according to the
difference between temperature (T1) detected inside the room and temperature (Ts) set by remote control, as it is
illustrated in the following Table and diagrams.
T1-Ta (°C)
“High” speed
“Low” speed
“Medium” speed
In case of increase in
temperature (T1)
inside the room
In case of decrease
of temperature (T1)
inside the room
Indoor fan speed
T < 1.5°C
T < 1°C
T > 4°C
T > 3°C
1.5°C < T < 4°C
1°C < T < 3°C
(T = T1 - Ts)
T1 = temperature detected inside the room. Ts = temperature set by remote control.
HKEU X Models