Machine Description
Operating Instructions
© Copyright by Markem-Imaje CSAT GmbH
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Subject to Technical Modifications
> After each shift, clean the wipers and their holders manually and make
sure that they are in good condition and proper working order.
> Make sure that, when the wipers are flipped up, they do not reach
beyond the print head nozzle plates above them, and that they are
aligned exactly parallel to the print head nozzle plates and are in
good condition.
The owner of the printer is solely responsible for any damage that can
be attributed to damaged wipers or to not performing the cleaning pro-
cess often enough! Wiper shower
Automatically cleaning adhering ink and other contamination off the wiper.
Technical implementation
Cleaning fluid is sprayed automatically on each wiper
Fig. 39. Cleaning the left wiper unit with the wiper shower
Item Element
Spray nozzles of
the wiper shower
Removing adhering ink and other contamina-
tion from the individual wipers.
Wiper unit
(not yet cleaned)
The wipers of the wiper unit wipe ink and con-
tamination off the print head nozzle plates.
The automatically operating wiper shower is activated after the printer has
been switched on and before and after each print head cleaning.
At the beginning of the showering process, the print head unit is first moved
to the working position in the front section of the printer. Next, all wipers are