Operating Instructions
© Copyright by Markem-Imaje CSAT GmbH
Subject to Technical Modifications
Page 369 / 370
total counter
hours 179
printed meters 178
total meters 179
touchscreen 136, 146
control structure 148
logging off 147
login 251
logout 252
logout from the touchscreen
set language of the user
interface 173
traffic zone 29
training of the personnel 45
transport of the printing system 213
external transport 221
internal transport 215
preparation ot the transport
route 218
transport securing device for the
print head unit 216
transport securing device of the
web guider 217
troubleshooting 258
type designation 50
type plate 15
maximum load 50
unwinder shaft 74
unwinding unit 74
changing the roll of printing
substrate 245
clean 317
current diameter of the roll of
printing substrate 186
material sensor 75
set alarm threshold for diameter
of roll 186
set warning threshold for
diameter of roll 186
Unwinding unit
Determine direction of rotation of
the roll 164
USB port 50, 135
UV curing
abrasive pad for cleaning 350
clean 319
clean the main curing 330
clean the pre-curing 331
Display current power of the
main curing unit 163
Display temperatures of the UV
modules 163
main curing 122
monitoring running time 189
pre-curing 118
pre-curing, care of 121
setting warning threshold 189
Specify limit value for
temperature error in the UV
lamp modules 163
UV modules (touchscreen menu) 189
UV pre-curing
display current power 162
Select area 162
warning symbols 22
warranty 12
web guider
activate/deactivate 164
adjust sensor 92
control panel 89
maintenance and repair 91
on unwinding unit 88
transport securing device 91,
web retraction system 96
web tension control
change rubber roller 349
Enter setpoint for the desired
tautness 164
maintenance 288
monitoring running time of the
rubber roller 192
on unwinding unit 80
pressure roller 82
replace the rubber roller 298
set warning threshold for running