Maintenance and Repair
Operating Instructions
© Copyright by Markem-Imaje CSAT GmbH
Page 326 / 370
Subject to Technical Modifications
Use backlighting to check the
condition of all of the wipers:
All wipers must point
all wipers must be seated
all the way down in their
wipers that are bent or
torn or contain foreign
bodies must be replaced
immediately (See
Chap.10.6.3 Changing the
wipers on the print head.
First wipe from the back third
of the print head towards your
body and then wipe from the
front third of the print head
away from your body.
Rotate your fingers slightly
during the wiping process so
that only clean parts of the
cloth come into contact with
the nozzle plate.
To better explain the sweeping motions that are mandatory during
cleaning, the next six illustrations depict the cleaning of a print head that
has been removed: