D3 Pro
aspect allows you to determine what actions occur when the user
presses a button on a keypad, remote, or touchpanel. You can program actions to
occur based on time of day, or when a contact closure is detected. Programming is
accomplished using a simple yet powerful series of programming screens.
Finally, D3 Pro allows you to
your project by creating attractive and easy
to read reports. These reports are generated in HTML, meaning that they can easily
be sent via e-mail or imported into another application such as Microsoft Word or
Excel for inclusion in a larger document.
D3 Pro is fully integrated with Crestron's suite of software development tools,
including SIMPL™ Windows, VisionTools Pro-e™ and the Crestron databases.
These tools work together to provide the link between Crestron systems hardware,
touchpanels, and the world of equipment to be controlled.
D3 Pro presents an easy-to-use graphical interface. Programming is organized into
six Views of the system, each providing a moveable toolbox of devices such as
interfaces, fixtures, and control modules.
System Views
Interface View
The Interfaces View allows you to add user interfaces and, depending on the
interface, to set engraving attributes. The Interfaces toolbox includes a variety of
Crestron wired keypads, touchpanels, and wireless remotes. If you set engraving
options for an interface, a file containing the engraving data and your dealer
information will be stored in the
subfolder of your system directory. The
file will have the name of the interface and an .egr extension. You can send the .egr
file to
for processing and engraving.
Load Schedule View
The Load Schedule View allows you to add lighting loads, motors and ceiling fans to
the system and to set the load type, quantity and wattage. Information about each
device is displayed in fields that you can sort, show or hide as desired. You can also
set advanced properties for dimmable lights, fans and motors. Finally, you can adjust
lighting levels in real time.
Module and Enclosure Assignment View
The Module and Enclosure Assignment View allows you to set up enclosures, select
Crestron control modules, and connect modules to the controlled circuits in your load
schedule. Alternatively, you can use the D3 Pro Module and Enclosure Assignment
Wizard to add the required equipment and generate these connections automatically.
This view also allows you to adjust lighting levels in real time.
Equipment View
The Equipment View allows you to add generic or third party non-lighting devices
such as security systems, controllers for screens, and garage door openers. In
addition, you can set up communication with a remote Crestron processor. The
Equipment View also allows you to add plug-in control cards and other auxiliary
devices to the control system.
Crestron D3 Pro™
Reference Guide – DOC. 5998a