D3 Pro
Learnable Lighting
As described earlier, two button models, Toggle and Single Press, provide a
"learnable lighting" option that allows the end user to dynamically change and re-
save the lighting levels programmed to the Tap 1 (or Tap) event. To enable this
feature select the
Learnable Lighting
check box in the Button Properties area of
Programming View.
Before building a system that includes learnable lighting buttons, you must specify
where the run-time data will be stored. In
System Properties
(on the
select either
Compact Flash
in the RunTime Data Storage section of the
General tab. If you select Compact Flash, be sure that you have a formatted Compact
Flash card installed in the control processor.
To program a "Learnable Lighting" button (Programming View)
Define a Level command for each light that will be a part the Tap 1 (or Tap) event.
You can add other logic here as well, such as to control fans or motors, but these
steps will not be affected when the light levels are saved. Also, the button cannot
have conditional statements in its logic (conditional statements are discussed on page
69). Adding conditional statements will clear the Learnable Lighting setting (after a
Finally, the special "All Room Lights" device can be included in learnable lighting
mode. However, since it is possible that the circuits in the room may be at different
levels when saving, only the level of the first circuit in the room (alphabetically) will
determine the level of "All Room Lights" to store. For Toggle buttons, only the light
levels assigned to the Tap 1 event can be dynamically changed by the end user. The
light levels assigned to the Tap 2 event cannot be changed.
Reference Guide – DOC. 5998a
Crestron D3 Pro™