D3 Pro
Finish View
The Finish View provides the final steps to building your lighting system:
Synchronizing presets (retrieving learnable light levels that were adjusted by
the end user).
Compiling the control system logic program and touchpanel projects.
Setting Cresnet IDs.
Verifying valid Cresnet network connections.
Uploading program files to the control system and touchpanels.
Communication Settings
If you have not already done so you must establish a valid connection between the
control system and your PC before you can upload programs or set Network IDs.
This is accomplished using either a serial (RS-232) or TCP/IP connection. If you are
connecting to the control system for the first time, you must use RS-232. You can
then enter the IP information of the control system for subsequent connections over
For RS-232 communication, use a DB9 straight-through serial cable to connect the
COMPUTER port on the control system to one of the COM ports on the PC.
RS-232 Connection
Launch D3 Pro and click
Communication Settings
on the
Select the connection type:
. Then use the following settings to make the PC’s
COM port settings match those in the control system:
Port = COM 1. Select the correct COM port on the PC (COM 1 through
COM 8).
Baud rate = 115200 (this is the default baud rate of the 2-Series control
Parity = None.
Number of data bits = 8.
Number of stop bits = 1.
Hardware handshaking (RTS/CTS) enabled (2 Series).
Software handshaking (XON/XOFF) not enabled.
Crestron D3 Pro™
Reference Guide – DOC. 5998a