D3 Pro
displayed for non-engravable interfaces such as CLW dimmers. If the interface is
engravable, you can right-click buttons on the interface graphic and select engraving
options from the submenu. You can also add text by double-clicking engravable
If you select a room from the system tree on the left side of the D3 Pro screen, the
program detail area lists all the interfaces that you have added to that room.
Similarly, selecting an area will display all the interfaces in every room in that area.
Finally, if you select the top-level system folder you will see the list of all interfaces
in the system. The information includes the name of the interface, its type and
location, and its Network ID (I/O Assignment).
You can click a column header to sort the interfaces by that category.
Reference Guide – DOC. 5998a
Crestron D3 Pro™