D3 Pro
Valid values for Jog Time range from 0.05s to 2.00s.
Lockout Time
sets the minimum time that the motor must remain in the
"stop" state before changing directions between "open" and "close." If the
motor is commanded to move in one direction while it is moving in the
opposite direction, the motor will stop for <Lockout Time> seconds before
moving in the new direction. This is done to prevent damage to the motor,
and the value should be set according to the requirements of the particular
motor being controlled.
Valid values for Lockout Time range from 0.2s to 2.00s.
6. Finally, you can enter optional information about the load, including the
manufacturer, model number and description in the text fields. This
information will be included in any Project Fixture Schedule that you
7. When you are satisfied with the properties of your user-defined fixture, click
to add the fixture to the Global or Project Library. It will appear as a
sub-category of the generic fixture. You can then drag the fixture to a room
your project.
As shown below, once you have created a user-defined fixture You can right-click to
edit its properties, copy, paste or delete, or add the fixture type to the Global library.
Crestron D3 Pro™
Reference Guide – DOC. 5998a