D3 Pro
You can adjust lighting levels in real time.
Actions and Events
The programming view allows you term
defines the act of assigning
one or more
to one or more
. An event occurs when a device’s output
exhibits a certain behavior, such as, goes from low to high. Most events in a D3 Pro
lighting system occur when a button on a keypad or touchpanel is pressed, released,
or held for a certain time.
Thus, in the most basic sense, an event could be a button press and the action could
be to set the lights to a specified level.
The Programming View allows you to assign actions to any device in your system
that is capable of generating events. The most common example of such an event are
button events that come from user-interfaces. However, other devices may generate
events, such as the Scheduler, or other devices added to the system such as photocells
and motion detectors.
Digital, Analog, and Serial Commands
All devices in D3 Pro can be controlled through a combination of digital, analog, or
serial commands. The commands are identified by icons, as shown in the following
Command Type
Edge-triggered digital command
Level-triggered (maintained) digital
Analog command
Serial command
A digital command is a simple instruction sent to a device, such as the Open
command issued to a motor, or the Raise command issued to a dimmable light. In
reality, digital commands are not so much issued to a device as they are activated and
deactivated. This means that a digital command can be maintained simply by
activating it and then waiting some period of time before deactivating it.
In practice, some digital commands will affect the device for as long as they are
maintained, and others will affect the device only when they are first activated (also
called the rising edge). For the latter, maintaining the digital command will not cause
any harm, but it is not necessary.
By default, D3 Pro will maintain all digital commands for as long as the event they
are in is active. The question then becomes "How long are events active?" This can
be determined using a simple rule: All "Press" events (e.g. Press, Press 2, Press 3,
etc.) plus the "Hold" event on Press and Hold buttons will be active for as long as the
Crestron D3 Pro™
Reference Guide – DOC. 5998a