Getting Started
Document Overview
This document provides step-by-step instructions for installing Deep Freeze Enterprise on a single segment
Local Area Network. It assumes that the console will be run on the same workstation as the Configuration
Administrator. Following these instructions will allow you to have Deep Freeze installed and running
within 15 minutes.
Deep Freeze Resources
User guides, video tutorials, white papers, and other documentation on Deep Freeze Enterprise are
available in the Faronics Content Library at
What is Deep Freeze?
Deep Freeze is a software program that prevents any permanent changes from being made to a machine.
Deep Freeze consists of two states:
. When Deep Freeze is in a
state, any
changes made to the machine are forgotten when the machine is restarted. When Deep Freeze is in a
state, any changes made to the machine are retained when the machine is restarted.
When making changes to a machine, such as installing software or performing updates, the machine
needs to be put into a
state. A reboot is required every time the state is changed.
System Requirements
To run the Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator and the Enterprise Console, your system requires
Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2000, 2003 or 2008. The Deep Freeze workstation installation
requires Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7 and 10% free hard drive space. The hardware requirements
are the same as the recommended requirements for the host operating system.
Install Deep Freeze Enterprise
Deep Freeze Enterprise consists of the
Configuration Administrator
and the
Enterprise Console
. The
Configuration Administrator
is a tool used to create customized Deep Freeze installation programs
pre-configured with passwords, schedules, and other options. The Enterprise Console is used to control
and manage workstations on a network. Follow the steps below to install Deep Freeze Enterprise:
1. Double-click the file
to begin the install process, and follow the steps presented.
2. Open the Configuration Administrator by selecting the following path from your
Start > Programs > Faronics > Deep Freeze 65 Enterprise > Deep Freeze Administrator
Freeze Console
Initialize the Customization Code
Deep Freeze requires a customization code to be entered to initialize the Configuration Administrator.
The code is not a password to access Deep Freeze; it is a unique identifier that completely encrypts the
Configuration Administrator and all its associated programs.
Enter your
Customization Code
to initialize the Configuration Administrator. The code must be at least
eight characters long and may consist of any combination of alpha-numeric characters.
The Customization Code must be recorded and guarded with care. Faronics is unable to
recover a lost or forgotten Customization Code!