D3 Pro
You can clear the check box next to a dependency, meaning that the un-checked file
will not be downloaded. If you find that this causes the program not to work, run
Live Update again and download the necessary files.
After you select or clear the dependencies click
to go back to the Live Update
screen. Click
to select the location where the software will be downloaded.
Then click
Get Update
After download, open the file and run the installation program.
It's a good idea to run Live Update periodically to ensure that you always have the
newest versions of all Crestron software.
Live Update Firmware
Crestron Live Update Firmware allows you to determine the current firmware your
Crestron control system and Cresnet devices should be using and update the firmware
if necessary.
To use Live Update Firmware, start your Internet connection and click
Live Update
on the
menu. If your PC is connected to the control system, then
Live Update will poll the network and compare the firmware versions of all detected
network devices to the latest firmware versions available at Crestron. If newer
firmware versions are available then those devices will be shown in the display list.
If you are not connected to the control system the display list shows all Cresnet
devices and control systems.
To download the update to your hard drive
1. Select the check box next the device you want to update.
2. Click
and select the directory where you want to save the file.
3. Click
to transfer the file to your hard drive.
The format of the file differs depending on the type of device. Control system
updates are .cuz files; those for touchpanels, .csf files; those for network devices,
.upg files. If the downloaded file is zipped, extract all the zipped files to one folder
and review any "Readme" documentation before continuing with the upload
procedure. Sometimes the update is a self-extracting ZIP file with an .exe extension.
To upload the new firmware to the device
1. Establish communication with the control system (see Finish View on page
2. Connect the device to the network.
3. Click
button to start the Crestron Viewport.
4. Go to the
File Transfer
menu and select the appropriate command. That is,
to update a touchpanel or keypad, click
Update Touchpanel/Keypad
; for the control system, click
Update Control System
; for a
network device, click
Load Network Device
5. Select the Network ID of the device if prompted and then click
to start
the transfer.
Reference Guide – DOC. 5998a
Crestron D3 Pro™