D3 Pro
Program other buttons on the keypad or touchpanel to allow the end user to manually
adjust lights to the desired levels during run time.
To adjust/save light levels during run time
1. Build and upload the lighting system.
2. Press the button you programmed in steps 1 and 2. Verify that the lights go to
their programmed levels.
3. Using the other buttons programmed in step 2, adjust the lights to the new
desired levels. At least one of the lights must be above 0% since the light
levels cannot be saved if all the lights assigned to a button are currently off.
That is, you cannot dynamically adjust an "Off" button.
Only the target light levels can be adjusted; fade times and delays cannot be
changed. Also, global presets cannot be saved.
4. Press and hold the button until the button's feedback indicator blinks briefly
(about 5 seconds). The new light levels should now be stored to the button.
5. Turn the lights off or set them to another level. Then press the button again to
verify that the lights return to the newly saved levels.
6. If you want to revert the preset levels back to the original levels programmed
in D3 Pro, press and hold the button until the feedback indicator blinks
(about 5 seconds), then continue holding for about another 10 seconds, until
the feedback indicator blinks a second time. At this point you should see the
lights return to the their original levels.
Adjusting Lighting Levels in Real Time
When programming lighting, nothing compares to actually seeing the lights at
specified levels to determine how to set up target values for lighting scenes. To that
end, D3 Pro allows direct control of dimmable lights for real-time adjustments.
Before entering real-time mode
1. Install the lights you want to adjust, and connect them to the outputs of the
CLX or CLW control modules you specified in Module and Enclosure
Assignment View.
D3 Pro provides a number of reports, such as for Modules and Enclosures,
Load Schedule, and Load Wiring, that you can use as a reference during
installation and wiring.
2. Connect the lighting control modules to the control system.
3. Connect your PC to the control system via RS-232 or TCP/IP (see Finish
View on page 84).
4. Verify that the control modules have valid Network IDs (see Set Network
IDs on page 86).
It is not necessary to upload the logic program to the control system in order to
enter real-time mode.
Once you have established a valid connection to the control system and all the
necessary lighting components are installed, you can adjust the lights from Load
Crestron D3 Pro™
Reference Guide – DOC. 5998a