D3 Pro
System Views
Interfaces View
The Interfaces View allows you to add user interfaces and, depending on the
interface, to set engraving attributes and faceplate/trim colors. The Interfaces toolbox
includes Crestron CNX and C2N keypads, CLW wall dimmers and switches, hand
held remotes, and touchpanels. CLW dimmers and switches also provide two "slave"
interfaces, the CLW-SLVD and CLW-SLVS, with non-programmable buttons. SLV
interfaces are wired to a master interface and control the same load, but are not
physically connected to the load.
The toolbox also includes a keypad called
Virtual CNX-B12
. As described earlier,
this keypad can be programmed just like a real keypad. The only difference is that the
virtual keypad has no Cresnet ID and does not exist physically on the network. The
virtual keypad provides a simple interface for a remote Crestron processor to control
the lighting program. For example, suppose the only user interface in a room is a
touchpanel, and that this touchpanel is connected directly to an AV control processor,
which is separate from the lighting control processor. The virtual keypad allows the
lighting programmer to provide functionality to a remote processor that does not exist
on any physical keypad on the lighting system.
Virtual keypads must be exported via a remote system definition in order to be
available to a remote system. If your project will include virtual keypads you can
select the
Automatically add remote system
check box in System Properties. This
will add a remote system automatically as soon as the virtual keypad is added,
without need to manually bring it into the project in Equipment View. As long as the
check box remains selected any additional virtual keypads will automatically be
exported via that RSD.
The methods for adding an interface are the same as for areas, rooms and other
Drag the interface from the Interfaces toolbox to a room.
You can right-click a room, point to
, and then select an interface from
the submenu.
To add multiple interfaces, hold down the Shift key while you drag the
interface from the toolbox to a room. Then select the number of interfaces
you want to add. You can also hold down the Shift key, right-click a room,
point to
, and click the interface. Then enter the number of interfaces.
If you add a CLW wall dimmer or switch, you can then add a slave interface.
Right-click the CLW interface, point to
, and then select the slave. It will
appear as a sub-category of the master interface. Only the CLW-DIMS and
CLW-SWS allow slaves.
To rename the interface, right click and select
, or select it and press
F2. Each interface in the system must have a unique name.
If you add an interface that can be engraved, then a graphic image of the interface
will be displayed in the center of the screen. Sometimes a graphic image is also
Crestron D3 Pro™
Reference Guide – DOC. 5998a