Using One-touch Buttons (One-touch Buttons)
Sending Jobs
Using One-touch Buttons
(One-touch Buttons)
For the ultimate in sending convenience, you can store a list of recipients in a One-touch button.
• A maximum of 256 addresses can be selected at one time (excluding new addresses). Person or Group
addresses are counted as one address for every address they contain.
• You can use either the [One-touch Buttons 1] key or the [One-touch Buttons 2] key to store up to 24 one-
touch keys.
• For information about storing information in One-touch buttons, see “Adding/Changing a One-touch But-
ton,” in the Reference Guide.
Press the [One-touch Buttons 1] or
[One-touch Buttons 2] key.
Press the One-touch key for the recipient to
whom you want to send the document.
The specified recipient will be displayed in the
Recipients list.
• You can delete recipients in the Recipients list
before sending. (See “Deleting a Recipient,” on
p. 4-24.)