Setting Run-time Parameters
[Restart 281xSA] Reexecutes the code that is already
downloaded, using new parameter values if they were saved to
EEPROM. When you issue this command, a screen message asks
for confirmation. Upon confirmation, the screen immediately
scrolls to the SynOptics banner and displays the message “Press
CTRL-Y to begin.”
[Reset 281xSA] Resets the unit. This command causes the Model
281xSA hub to go through self-tests and the image-loading process
Protocol Parameters Menu
When you select the i command [Set protocol parameters] from the run-time
parameters menu, the menu in Figure 4-16 is displayed.
Figure 4-16. Protocol Parameters menu
Protocol Parameter Menu
Management Protocol: IP_IPX (IPX, IP)
Enter command:
Set IP parameters
Set IPX parameters
Toggle management protocol
Return to main menu