Setting Up the Model 281xSA Hub Configuration File
IP-trap-receiver <ipaddress> <trap-community string> <age-out>
A list of IP trap receivers along with their community strings. Each entry
must occupy a separate line, up to a maximum of 10 entries. The ipaddress
can be up to 12 numeric characters, written in dotted-decimal notation.
The trap-community string parameter is similar to the read-community
keyword; it can be any ASCII string, up to a maximum of 20 alphanumeric
characters. If you enter an ipaddress with no trap-community string, the
default string is public. The age-out timer specifies the length of time in
seconds that an entry remains in the IP-trap-receiver table.
IPX-trap-receiver <ipxaddress> <trap-community string> <age-out>
A list of IPX trap receivers along with their community strings. Each entry
must occupy a separate line, up to a maximum of 10 entries. The
ipxaddress consists of the 8-digit network number, followed by a colon
and the 12 hexadecimal characters of the node address. The trap-
community string parameter is similar to the read-community keyword;
it can be any ASCII string, up to a maximum of 20 alphanumeric
characters. If you enter an ipxaddress with no trap-community, the default
string is public. The age-out timer specifies the length of time in seconds
that an entry remains in the IPX-trap-receiver table.
authentication-traps on|off
Enables or disables the use of IP and IPX authentication traps. If no entry
exists in the configuration file, the default is on (enabled).
image-load-mode remote-only|local-only|remote-with-local-backup
Specifies the image load mode for this hub. For a detailed description, see
Chapter 4, “Configuring the Model 281xSA Hub for IP/IPX Networks.”
config-load-mode remote-only|local-only|remote-with-local-backup
Specifies the configuration load mode for this hub. For a detailed
description, see “Boot Configuration Commands” in Chapter 4,
“Configuring the Model 281xSA Hub for IP/IPX Networks.”
boot-mode network|eeprom
Specifies the boot mode for this hub. For a detailed description, see
Chapter 4, “Configuring the Model 281xSA Hub for IP/IPX Networks.”