September 26, 2013, 715004208 Rev. A
Preparing for Operation
Preparing the ISM for operation involves installing the leak sensors and
flow-splitters, plumbing the waste tubing, priming the device, and
monitoring system status.
To maintain the efficiency of the ISM and to obtain accurate,
reproducible chromatograms, use only MS-grade solvents, water, and
additives (99.9% pure) or better. For details, see the Solvent Considerations
Stacking system modules ................................................................ 28
Installation recommendations for fittings ...................................... 29
Installing the optional leak sensor.................................................. 33
Resolving leak sensor errors............................................................ 35
Installing the waste tubing and vent tubing for the degasser ...... 40
Installing the optional ACQUITY UPLC or Alliance
Flow-splitter kit.......................................................................... 42
Installing the optional ACQUITY UPC
Flow-splitter kits ........... 49
Installing the optional Post-column Addition kit........................... 61
Connecting to the electricity source ................................................ 64
Priming the seal-wash system......................................................... 64
Priming the ISM .............................................................................. 67
Monitoring LEDs.............................................................................. 70
ISM control panel............................................................................. 71
Observe Good Laboratory Practices when you handle solvents.
For reference, see the Material Safety Data Sheets for the solvents you